Stably group tests into test groups to run them together. You can configure the test group to run on a schedule, trigger it from a CI/CD pipeline, or run it manually.

Add Tests to a Test Group

To add tests to a test group, click on the Add Tests button on a test group on the Web UI.

View Group Run Result

Results for tests in a group are reported together.

Modify Group Configuration

Test suites can be configured to run with the following configurable settings:

ConfigurationFunctionDefault Value
ParallelismWhether your tests are ran sequentially or in parallelSequential
RetriesNumber of times a test is ran again after a failure0
RepeatsNumber of times to run each test1
Domain OverridesAllows navigated domains to be overridden
Action Delay (ms)Adds a delay to each Playwright operation750 ms
Test Timeout (s)Length of time before each test timeouts8 mins
Ensure tests in your test suites are not interdependent before running in parallel