Stably is an AI-powered testing platform that prevents bugs on your web app.

Our AI creates, runs and maintains web end-to-end tests automatically for you.

How does Stably work?

Stably observes how users or your internal team interact with your web app to learn key user flows. Based on these observations, we generate tests for your web app that accurately mimic these flows.

You can schedule these tests or integrate them into your CI pipeline. If a test fails, Stably will alert you and provides a complete recording of the test run.

As your product evolves, tests often require updates. Stably automatically adjusts your tests to keep up with product changes.

All our generated tests are written in Playwright, a popular end-to-end testing framework, so you can take these tests and run them on your own if needed.

Use Stably in your workflow

Plan what to test: Stably automatically discover user flows from new features you ship. You can then select the user flows you want to add tests for.

Generate tests: Have AI turn an observed userflow into a test, or record your own test using our no-code editor.

Run tests: Stably runs tests automatically on a schedule or when you trigger it in your CI/CD. You can review the results in our web console and get alerted on Slack when the tests fails.

What does Stably cost?

Stably has several pricing plans available, from starter to Enterprise. See Stably Pricing Plans.

Interested in testing with Stably? Contact us to start a free 30-day trial. We look forward to seeing you on the platform!